COVID-19 Vaccines: Act Now

Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP
Clinical Consultant – Briggs Healthcare

CMS announced last week that we’ll require staff within all Medicare and Medicaid-certified facilities to get COVID-19 vaccines. Make efforts now to vaccinate you and your staff so you’re in compliance when the rule takes effect. The higher the level of vaccination rates among you and your staff, the lower the infection rate is for your patients who depend on you for care. Get vaccinated and protect yourselves, your families, and your patients from COVID-19.

More Information:

CDC Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine

CDC FAQs about COVID-19 Vaccination: Information and facts, such as how long you’re protected and what is in the vaccine

CDC Vaccinate with Confidence: Resources to help you build confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine

CDC COVID-19 Vaccination for Essential Workers: Why it’s important to get your vaccines and where you can get them

CMS COVID-19 Provider Toolkit: Payment, coding, and billing for vaccine administration