OASIS Data Specifications V3.00.1

Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP
Clinical Consultant – Briggs Healthcare

CMS provided this notification just a few minutes ago (Wednesday, July 6, 2022):

The OASIS Data Submission Specifications Version 3.00.1 are now available in the Downloads section of the Data Specifications webpage. This FINAL version applies to the OASIS-E item set, which is scheduled for implementation on January 1, 2023.  There have been significant revisions to the edits for items in Sections A, D and N.  Also, several items in Section A (as well as one item in Section B and one item in Section D) now have a new response option:  patient declines to respond.  Please review the OASIS-E Guidance manual for additional information, as well as the Item Change and Edit Change reports within the data specifications.

The direct link is OASIS E Data Specs (V3.00.1) FINAL 07-05-2022 (ZIP).